Some Exalate nodes are down
Incident Report for Exalate
This incident has been resolved.
Posted Nov 28, 2023 - 17:37 CET
Deployment Status Update: Exalate for JCloud 5.7.2

The deployment of Exalate for JCloud 5.7.2 has been successfully completed. However, certain nodes are currently experiencing downtime as our team conducts essential duplicate trace clean-up. We are actively working to restore full functionality and appreciate your patience.

Additionally, during this process, we have identified additional risks. To address these, a release (5.7.3) is planned and it is being tested, with the first deployment targeted for Jira connectors. We will keep you updated on our progress.
Posted Nov 27, 2023 - 10:22 CET
The fix is on validation stage and will start deploying on the nodes shortly.
Your node will be updated during the day.
We are committed to keeping you informed about the progress with developments. Stay tuned for the resolution.
Posted Nov 24, 2023 - 07:46 CET
We are currently working on a build, that encompasses the filtering of duplicates in sync events/requests and twin traces, along with the removal of duplicates during the upgrade. The build is currently undergoing internal testing for all cloud nodes.
Posted Nov 23, 2023 - 15:11 CET
The scheduled hotfix deployment for Zendesk and Github connectors has been postponed until further notice due to a database instability issue.
We will keep you updated on any developments.
Thank you for your comprehension.
Posted Nov 22, 2023 - 18:03 CET
Scheduled Hotfix: Zendesk & Github Connectors

The hotfix for Zendesk and Github connectors is scheduled for 17:00 pm CET. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work swiftly to enhance system stability.
Posted Nov 22, 2023 - 14:24 CET
Hotfix release completed for Jira Cloud based nodes. Other nodes will follow shortly.
Posted Nov 22, 2023 - 08:00 CET
Hotfix release started for Jira Cloud based nodes, ETA 6-8 hours from now. Other nodes will follow suit afterwards.
Posted Nov 21, 2023 - 22:33 CET
The deployment of the hotfix for the Java Heap error is expected to happen tonight at 22:00 CET for Jira cloud based nodes, other nodes will follow suit afterwards.
Expect more updates shortly.
Posted Nov 21, 2023 - 21:09 CET
Service Status Update:

A fix version is on validation stage and we expect a hotfix to address the Java Heap Space error release anytime now.
No action is required from your end, we will keep you updated as soon as this is deployed.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience.
Posted Nov 21, 2023 - 15:52 CET
We’ve detected an issue where a limited number of nodes are experiencing Java Heap Space errors, leading to node downtime. Despite various recovery attempts, some nodes remain affected.

Impact on Service
This issue mainly impacts nodes running version 5.7. Not all nodes are affected, but those with the issue may experience downtime.

Current Actions
Our engineering team is actively developing and testing a custom solution. We plan to first deploy this fix on a selected number of nodes to ensure stability.

Updates and Communication
We are committed to keeping you informed about the progress with developments. Stay tuned for further updates.
Posted Nov 21, 2023 - 12:02 CET
This incident affected: Zendesk (Exalate Console), Jira Cloud (Synchronisation node), Azure DevOps (Exalate for Azure DevOps), Service Now (Exalate for ServiceNow in Exalate Cloud), GitHub (Exalate for GitHub), and Salesforce (Exalate for SalesForce).